Christensen Orthodontics is a friendly, exciting and cheerful environment! When you arrive for your opointment, you are greeted by wonderful staff that will lead you through your appointment step by step. Once your appointment begins, not only will Christensen staff make you feel welcomed, but also confident, Christensen staff rock at complementing you! Christensen Orthodontics even has a coffee bar for your enjoyment, I know right... AWESOME! You can also win gift cards for just keeping good care of your appliance, and even doing optional extra point activities! For example, I'm earning 10 extra points for sumbmitting a review about an awesome orthodontic! One step closer to earning a gift card to some of your favorite shops! Christensen Orthodontics is a wonderful place, with an amazing staff and a welcoming environment! Join Christensen Orthodontics to begin your journey to a perfect smile today!